Friday, October 4, 2013

The Do's and Do not's of LEGGINGS

Well, as we dive deeper into the fall season, the styles for girls are definitely changing. It's getting colder and the girls are breaking out the LEGGINGS! Now, I definitely don't consider leggings as particularly stylish, but there is no denying that leggings are hot. That said, I've noticed that some girls wear leggings better than others, regardless of the shape of their body. So I started wondering what makes some leggings more appealing to me versus other pairs of leggings. In conclusion, I've noticed some definite do's and do not's for wearing leggings.



Guys love when girls where leggings. I read an article where the author said girls need to wear tops that cover up their butts. She was annoyed that girls replaced pants with leggings. The thing is, IT'S WORKING. Guys notice a girl with leggings. Leggings make a girl's legs pop out and guys like tight clothes. Just like how guys need to size down when picking clothes, girls wearing tighter clothes is hot.  


There is NO way you could screw up a top. Wear that ugly green Christmas sweater. Wear that flannel that your boyfriend left in your room. Wear that thick winter jacket that makes you poof out. It doesn't matter what you wear on the top; I promise you will look just as hot.
Tighter Smaller Top

Longer, flowing top 


Easy. When shopping for leggings, get the pair of leggings that fit tighter! The more curves you show off, the better you'll look.



I can't stress this enough. This is probably the biggest thing I've noticed girls doing wrong when they wear leggings. Mainly, I noticed that the leggings that did not look so good were the ones that stopped too short. A general rule of thumb is to always buy leggings that cover the calves. Here's what I've noticed: if you plan to wear leggings with flip flops or boots, then wear leggings that go all the way down to the ankle. If you want to wear sneakers, either athletic kicks or casual, leave a little skin exposed. In the latter case, get leggings that stop just after the calves.


I see so many girls wearing ugly patterns that either do not match with their top or simply do not look good at all. Go with gray or black. It's just easier that way! Also, I've never been a fan of animal print. I feel like in this day and age, the cooler look is to go with neat outfits.


I know I said leggings are super hot and everything, but I also mentioned at the beginning that I do not think leggings are stylish. Leggings should definitely be worn but make sure they aren't the only thing in your wardrobe!

Leggings are definitely hot, but following these do's and do not's will definitely help you to dress to impress!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Shoes: Keds

Hopefully you already know what I'm talking about when I say that my favorite shoes on girls are Keds. If not, they're the shoes that T-Swizzle wears all the time.
If I were a girl, I would wear Keds 24/7. It's just so casual and so sexy at the same time. They come in all different kinds of colors and patterns to match any outfit on the planet. For personal favorites on color I especially love bright solid colors. Colors like red, blue, yellow, white, are all great solids to wear. Polka dots are okay, but floral Keds are pushing it. It's hard to really make floral Keds work with your outfit.

Example Outfits:

Here's Taylor Swift with her Keds on. Dark jeans with red Keds look so good for a casual outfit. With Keds, you should definitely show a little ankle. If your jeans are a little too long, cuff them.

Polka dot Keds are hard to dress to. Personally, I don't really like this outfit, I would have preferred a dress or skirt to go with these kinds of Keds. Still, a great looking pair of shoes.

I love white Keds. Really easy to get dirty and old looking, but still, they look so good. These outfits are decent too. I like the look of the dress. Definitely show some leg!

Well that's my opinion on Keds. Really great pair of shoes. All girls should have a couple in their wardrobe!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

When Girls Wear "Guys" Clothes

In this day and age, I think females have a billion more options then guys when it comes to clothes. For example, next time you're in the mall, count how many stores sell guys clothing compared to women's clothing and the variety that girls get to choose from in said stores. Now this next post pisses me off just as much as it turns me on. It's how girls can take guys clothing and look so so so fine in it. Starting it off, I want to take a look at this video: 

Oh my god. There might not be anything hotter than waking up in the morning to a gorgeous girl dressed in nothing but underwear and your slightly-too-big-for-her dress shirt. And here's another scene: Serena with tube socks.

Point is that dress shirt and panties is such a simple, but sexy look.

But how am I going to go out in public with no pants????

Easy. Today, leggings are such a popular thing among girls and it's no secret that guys are obsessed with this legging/yoga pants trend. So, my solution is just to wear a slightly bigger shirt and well fitting (tight) leggings on underneath. My favorite is white dress shirt with light vertical lines coupled with black leggings. That's another thing, neon and animal print leggings are definitely not a go for me. Actually, the more I think about it, black leggings are the only ones that look good.

The girl on the left is ready to go out and she looks really good. Don't think that every outfit has to be ridiculously complicated. Guys like neat looking girls and this outfit knocks em dead. Her flats also look really good with this outfit. Keep it simple. Solid colors, no crazy patterns on your shoes, simple. The girl on the right is more of what a guy loves waking up to. So, if he's a keeper, try this one on for size.

It kind of makes me mad because girls can look so good in guys clothing, but guys don't really look so great in girls clothing. Or rather, it's less socially acceptable. Girls' styles don't stop with just the dress shirt. Girls in beanies and "dude" looks are pretty hot too. 

These "dude" styles look pretty good on some girls. They give of a hipster and trendy vibe, but what guys think of them often depends. Either way, girls have a lot of great choices in terms of dress.

I guess the lesson of the day would be: Seduce the guys with their own clothes.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Jean Shorts

As summer's winding down, I'd like to talk about my personal favorite article of clothing that girls wear in the summer: Jean Shorts. The right pair of jean shorts will turn heads anywhere, but that can be said about a lot of clothes. The reason why jean shorts are my favorite is because of how many different tops and shoes seem to pair perfectly with jean shorts. Not only that, but there are also variations of jean shorts that offer different looks.
Goes great with "flow-y" top

Now, there are some things to keep in mind when picking out a pair of jean shorts to wear. First off, they have to be tight and not too long. Now, that doesn't mean that half of your butt cheek should be sticking out either or you get red lines on your legs because the shorts are cutting off all blood flow to the legs. They should be reasonably tight and a good length. Guys do like the really really short jean shorts, but that might come off a little slutty, so I'll let you decide where to draw the line. (Short is hot though)

I personally love it when the pockets peek below the actual pants, but only ever so slightly. That girl is rocking it in the picture above. Which is also a great picture to talk about the kinds of tops to wear with jean shorts. Flowing tops like the pictures above and below work really well. Or even just a tank top works well too.

On another note, I wouldn't deviate too much from the blue color. I am a huge fan of the faded blue jeans color that are shown in these pictures. I wouldn't get too dark with jean shorts.

High wasted jean shorts look great with certain outfits too. They add a little bit of a throwback feel so when picking an outfit keep that in mind. I'm not a huge fan of this girls black top, but I picked this picture as an example of how to tuck in the front of your top into the jean shorts for a great summer look. These jeans also bring up a good question. Frayed or folded? Answer: Definitely frayed. Just make sure the ends aren't ridiculously long.

Bottom Line: Jean shorts are hot.
Experiment with some outfits and see what works for you!

Kickin' It Off

First off, I wanted to say that this blog simply describes the clothing that guys find attractive. When you see a girl walking down the street, guys might not notice the outfit she's wearing at first, but without knowing it, the outfit is either adding or subtracting to a girl's attractiveness. That said, I do think most outfits and how they look on a girl depend on a multitude of things. Confidence and natural figure do contribute.

This blog is all about seeing outfits that work and giving a guy's perspective of today's trends. Take it or leave it, find what works for you!